Finding beauty in the chaos, uncertainty and absurdity of the Winter of 2020, Good Girls Party Alone is a collection of beautiful and often thought provoking images by Lindsay Garrett. 

Featuring a single model, an empty home and a lot of imagination, the book is divided into four chapters:

  • Isolation
  • Expectation
  • Imagination
  • Realization

Good Girls Party Alone is a strange, yet beautiful, visual narrative of our current times.


Finding beauty in the chaos, uncertainty and absurdity of the Winter of 2020, Good Girls Party Alone is a collection of beautiful and often thought provoking images by Lindsay Garrett. 

Featuring a single model, an empty home and a lot of imagination, the book is divided into four chapters:

  • Isolation
  • Expectation
  • Imagination
  • Realization

Good Girls Party Alone is a strange, yet beautiful, visual narrative of our current times.